Ye Cracke
Maja Lorkowska, Exhibitions Editor
Lots of pubs have small claims to fame, and those in Liverpool are often unsurprisingly related to The Fab Four. This is the case for Ye Cracke, a little pub on a little street in the Georgian Quarter, but that’s not the only reason why you should visit. It’s a hidden gem that’s retained its own style over the years and attracts a mix of locals and tourists. For tourists though, you have to be fairly committed to visiting because Ye Cracke is not that easy to find.
Located on Rice Street off Hope Street, Ye Crack is not purposefully hidden, it just doesn’t advertise its existence with flashy signs. This might add to its appeal – you’ll feel as though you’ve earned your drink and it’s time to relax.
John Lennon and Stuart Sutcliffe (the original bass guitarists for The Beatles) were regulars at Ye Cracke during their student days so here’s a bit of history that might convince you to seek it out.
It’s a very traditional pub – the décor is sparse with dark wood tables, benches and wood panels, some artwork on the cream walls and friendly, memorable staff. There’s a beer garden too, for those rare sunny moments. It is and feels old and that’s what makes it such a comfortable pub – it just feels familiar.
Ye Cracke is just outside of the City Centre so on an average day, you won’t find crowds spilling out into the street. If you’re after a quieter drink, this might be the place.