The Giving Tree
Ian Jones, Food and Drink Editor
The Giving Tree is an example of Manchester at its compassionate best. This Rusholme cafe and community hub is based between Whitworth park and The Curry Mile, and staffed by volunteers from all over the world.
One of South Manchester’s most valuable and community-focused businesses
The team put it best, describing it as “a place of welcome, for all languages and cultures, a place of refuge and of hospitality. A place to explore faith and life.” It’s currently open just Thursday and Friday but plans are in place to increase this in the coming months, and we’ll be sure to publish an updated, comprehensive review when they do.
Right now, as well as a rock-solid menu of different types of coffee and hot drinks (including hot chocolate, green tea and Earl Grey), they have a superb and ever-changing display of cakes and baked goods – you’ll have to nip into see what they have that day.
The Giving Tree also offers free English classes for those who need it, covering beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. If you’re new to Manchester, or simply looking to brush up your skills, these classes are a great way to practise your English, share skills and meet some new people.
These are just some of the useful events this wonderful space offers to people, with barista training looking very likely to be another option. This should allow people to start earning money, as well as help ease the chronic understaffing found in many hospitality venues across the city.
But first and foremost, The Giving Tree is a remarkably affordable cafe, and, best of all, your money helps support one of South Manchester’s most valuable and community-focused businesses. The next time you fancy a double-triple-mocha-chocca-latte-whatnot from a faceless coffee chain, why not make a more ethical choice and head down Oxford Road until you reach here instead? You’ll sleep easier for it.