Reynolds Outdoor Centre
Alexander Iles
Reynolds Outdoor Centre has provided outdoor wear, military surplus and camping gear since 1860. In the North East of England there is a fantastic array of wilderness to explore, from hills and mountains through to beautiful valleys and seaside walks. It is likely after a number of walks you will want to upgrade your walking gear and supplement it with some home comforts – especially if you have fallen in love with the region’s countryside. Within no time, it is likely you will have been bitten by the bug and will be an expert looking for the best in outdoor equipment and planning expeditions. Reynolds is a proudly a family business and have built and developed their experience providing the best in outdoor wear to their customers and people from outside the region. Due to that experience, they know their equipment and can help you find the right clothing for any type of outdoor adventure. Their staff are all experienced and friendly and will be able to guide you to exactly the right equipment that you need for the next expedition or looking at the new high fashion in coats or clothing it is all within their expertise.
With many outdoor hobbies being expensive, Reynolds also offer starter packages in a range of outdoor sports and hobbies, so that you will have all you need to get started without breaking the bank. Not only that, but Reynolds can help with repairs – from wear and tear to damage and spares – getting you outdoors once more. When it comes to winter sports, Reynolds have their brand Snowjunkie, which offers ski clothing and snowboarding gear. If you are just going away for a short weekend rather than taking it up as a full hobby, they also offer hire gear – fantastic for a group of friends going away for a weekend. Enjoy more of the outdoors after getting kitted up at Reynolds’.