Plaza Community Cinema
Maja Lorkowska, Exhibitions Editor
The Plaza Community Cinema in North Liverpool has a very long history. Serving the community since the Second World War, the cinema is a unique resource, offering both big and arthouse releases to the general public, as well as film-based education programmes for schools and charities. It’s run by volunteers too and operates as a registered charity.
The building has maintained its classic cinema look, with the name in neon letters and a LED canopy sign with the film listings (or special messages for which you can hire it out). The prices are pleasantly low too, making the Plaza an even more inviting option for movie lovers.
The original layout was one screen which held 1,450 seats(!) until it was split into three screens which works much better to serve today’s audiences. Over time, the cinema has fought off developers with a committee dedicated to keeping this community gem where it belongs and today the charity owns the building, continuing their mission to serve the local area.
The Plaza regularly hold autism- and dementia-friendly screenings to make sure nobody is excluded from enjoying the magic of film. During the colder months, there are also free Warm Space Community Screenings with snacks, a hot drink and a great film. There are National Theatre, Ballet and Opera screenings too.
One of the ways the cinema find funds is through their own charity shop where you can both browse the wares or drop off your own bits and bobs.
The Plaza Community Cinema, with its long history and unwavering support from the local community, is a truly important resource that will hopefully continue its mission for decades to come.