Everyman Liverpool
Maja Lorkowska, Exhibitions Editor
Everyman cinemas are known for their focus on luxury and comfort and the Liverpool venue is no different. Old school cinema glamour meets modern technology in this cosy boutique cinema, that features 4K projection and Dolby 7.1 digital sound showing the latest prestige films mixed up with the more respectable blockbuster fare.
Going to the cinema used to be an event and Everyman Liverpool brings back that experience of small luxuries which make watching a film on a big screen special. You’ll find red velvet sofas and a Spielburger kitchen with food served right to your seat. Enjoy a glass of wine in the retro bar and enjoy the stylish interior.
The ultimate hangout for new parents, Everyman hosts a weekly Baby Club: a baby-friendly screening of the newest releases, with slightly lower volume and dim lighting so you can get comfortable with your little one, whether they’re asleep or marvelling at the bright lights onscreen. Absolutely nobody bats an eyelid at crying babies, you can get up and walk around, leave and come back and basically do anything you or baby may need. These screenings are a wonderful day out for tired new mums and dads. Not only do you get to see (or nap through) the newest films, the ticket price also includes a hot drink with a delicious cake which is the ultimate new parent fuel.
Toddler Club is another weekly event, aimed at children aged 1-5. Screening your childhood favourites as well as new family-friendly releases, these sessions also offer a hot drink and a slice of cake, or a small popcorn, included in the ticket price. Of course, one ticket includes two seats, one for you and one for your lively toddler, who may or may not stay in the seat – hopefully the big screen works its magic.
‘Throwback’ screenings spotlight older classics for another chance to see them on a big screen, with a complimentary drink and popcorn, while ‘Beyond’ offers a programme of independent, handpicked cinema outside of the mainstream releases.
Everyman Liverpool has luxury, comfort and an excellent programme – all that you need to fall in love with going to the cinema all over again.