Carriageworks Theatre
Kristy Stott, Theatre Editor
Carriageworks Theatre is located on Millennium Square in the prestigious Electric Press building. With two theatres and six rehearsal spaces, the complex is built for local and regional artists and companies.
It is the proud home of the Leeds Civic Arts Guild, made up of several long-standing local amateur dramatics and arts societies including Leeds Children’s Theatre, Leeds Gilbert and Sullivan Society and Leeds Writer’s Circle.
The venue has a resident youth theatre, Carriageworks Young Theatre Makers, made up of 11-19-year-olds who create and perform 6 original shows each year.
Over the Christmas holidays, Carriageworks Theatre offers six weeks of high-quality traditional pantomime. With the venue perfectly positioned to overlook the famed Leeds Christmas Market, Carriageworks is the ideal festive outing for the whole family.
The venue has two performance spaces the main auditorium with 300 seats and a studio space with 55 seats as well as 7 conference rooms of various sizes and configurations. The venue is fully accessible including changing places facilities.