Altogether Otherwise
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Altogether Otherwise is a lighthouse of DIY joy amongst Manchester’s ever changing city centre. They run workshops, activities, gigs, restaurants and what they describe as a ‘Hobby House’ all in the name of doing creative and interesting things purely for the joy of doing them. The vast majority of activities to get involved with are completely free and open to everyone and anyone.
Based in the NOMA neighbourhood, you walk through the doors of this unsuspecting utopia to be greeted by a deftly curated library, workshop space, venue and community garden. Every part of the building fizzes with people building things, organising clubs, planning future events and letting leftfield ideas take centre stage. It’s truly unique in that it’s a place motivated by fun and practical endeavour for the enjoyment of it, rather than the outcome.
Currently, they are organising events in two month long ‘happenings’. Each focuses on a particular area, ranging from Sewing and Growing (with a focus on the garden), Singing and Dancing (with a focus on live music and dance based happenings) and Reading and Writing to name just a couple.
Outside of the more curated programme there are regular gardening workshops which are free to attend and teach real practical skills as well as cultivating the garden on site. You can also join them for woodwork, pottery and cooking workshops (all free), where you’ll create, learn and eat in a sociable environment amongst similarly likeminded people.
Altogether Otherwise all work with other Manchester based groups such as Bothy, who they provide free rehearsal space for musicians through. Find @bothymcr on instagram to find out more.
Aside from all the brilliant activities and events that happen at Altogether Otherwise the team behind this cultural gem are incredibly positive and warm people making the place feel incredibly welcoming to anyone new who comes to try and activity.