Häppy Hour: The Nordic Council at the Lowry
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
The Lowry’s stage will never be accused of not having range. The purple space can hold Opera North’s large scale productions with intricate design and big personalities just as well as it can hold intimate solo contemporary dance shows. Sitting somewhere between these two extremes is a curious circus oddity from Scandinavian trio The Nordic Council. They bring their new show Häppy Hour to Salford this March. A commentary on Nordic life expressed with love and humour through virtuosic circus skills and original live music.
As three performers who hail from Sweden, Finland and Iceland they have an intersectional view of Scandinavian culture and some insightful views to share about northern european nightlife. The show explores a contradictory relationship with alcohol as well as the weird and sometimes awkward real life experiences that prove it’s ok to laugh at ourselves, even at our worst.
The playfully named Nordic Council are made up of: Jakob Jacobsson, an aerial rope specialist and musician who revels in minimal staging and finer details. Bjarni Árnason, an Icelandic circus all rounder with a flair for comedy and an eccentric personality. Finally, the trio is completed by Merri Heikkilä, a juggling and acrobatics specialist with an impressive international CV. Between the three of them Häppy Hour perfectly balances their skills and personalities to create a show with humour, pace and panache.
As an audience you’ll find yourself swimming in the feeling of ‘I’ve been there’ while the trio stumble through scenes of a Nordic nightlife. Soundtracked by live music, you’ll witness the all too familiar momentary dips into embarrassment, confusion and pure joy they encounter in the innocent pursuit of a good time. Expect jaw dropping physical skill and a particularly friendly scandinavian sense of humour as you journey into The Nordic Circle’s take on Häppy Hour.