The Cheesy Tudors at Little Moreton Hall
Gemma Gibb, Associate EditorHead to this unique tumbling Tudor manor house to experience Tudor adventures around Little Moreton Hall and gardens this half term.
This year discover more about Tudor attitudes to health and food. Health and wellbeing was high on the agenda in Tudor times believe it or not.
Have a go at churning butter and making cheese (which they would have flavoured with herbs and flowers) before taking a trail to find out how the Tudors kept healthy. We love that you are invited to Get Your Body Tudor Ready and partake in essential practices of Tudor “mindfulness” and the different ways they reflected on their lives, as well as more active pursuits (to work off that cheese).
Discover more about the four humours and how the belief in these impacted on Tudor daily life, from healthcare, hygiene and sleep, to food and drink. You can do a quiz to help you find your humour and then discover which foods you should be eating to balance your body – and which ones you should definitely avoid.
We can’t get enough of Little Moreton Hall’s fantastical inside and outside spaces (with its stunning interiors and gardens) of one of the great timber-framed surviving halls of the Tudor period. It has been said to defy all structural logic that it can still be standing with its crooked walls and wibbly wobbly floors. Visiting Little Moreton Hall gives families a rare opportunity to slow down a little together and to experience one of the best scenic moats and mounds for strolling and rolling around (but hopefully not into).
Make time to visit fascinating new exhibition The Other Side of the Hall for stories of four families from the twentieth century who lived at Little Moreton Hall. We love that these modern inhabitants got to live in a wonky Tudor house in an era when boxy new builds and high rise flats were all the rage.