That Dark Space Behind My Eyes at AIR Gallery
Creative TouristNorth-West based visual artist Louise Garman’s practice has been to explore the idea of journeys; collecting discarded and unwanted everyday objects along the way, and photographing her surroundings. She does not compose the images, but instead captures the ground and sky in an immediate, less formal way.
Each journey taken has been documented in sketch books, photographs, drawings and prints, exploring the process of observation and selection. Subconsciously, she has focused on life and death – birds’ nests, children’s toys, skulls, sleeping tablets, to name but a few. Garman has become fascinated by unwanted, displaced and discarded signs of life, both man-made and natural; abandoned objects, in surreal landscapes, both fleeting and precious.
That Dark Space Behind My Eyes at AIR Gallery will feature carefully constructed installation pieces from my photographic images and videos as a means of expression. Each piece is striking; presenting these journeys as a moment in time, both ugly and beautiful, harsh and tender.