Steam, Sweat and Spinners at the Museum of Science and Industry
Gemma Gibb, Associate EditorCome rain or shine, if you have just half an hour or an entire day, there is always something to see, experiment with, make, watch, do and inspire at this museum dedicated to ideas that have shaped our world.
This half term it’s all about Victorian endeavour so get your long starchy white shirt sleeves rolled up and get involved in Science Showdowns to discover if the digital or Industrial age has changed our lives the most, make mechanical toys and optical illusions to take home, oil your moustaches for the Victorian photo booth and witness some stonking steam engines.
We love the interactive shows and workshops by the ingenious and friendly explainer team, Power Packs for toddlers and also, quite frankly, any chance to find out more and celebrate how Manchester’s scientific enterprises kick started the modern world (and continue to change it in so many ways).
Don’t forget some hard-earned pennies for the Victorian Fairground and to visit the mega Robots exhibition (with accompanying free family trail) too.