Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen: Daughter of Dog at Mostyn
Maja Lorkowska, Exhibitions Editor
The London-based artist duo Revital Cohen and Tuur Van Balen present their new exhibition Daughter of the Dog at Mostyn gallery in Llandudno. Aggression, grief, love and loss are the leading themes, expressed across moving image, sculpture and sound. With starl contrasts between artificial and organic elements (real dogs juxtaposed with robot dogs, for example), Daughter of the Dog explores the nature of contradictions.
The works are preceded by periods of intense research which can be felt while experiencing the show, it is thematically complex and intricate. Dancers rehearse the choreography of a pogo mosh pit while carnivorous plants perform the score – Cohen and Van Balen’s work defies expectations and pulls the viewer in with its mesmerising quality of images which clash yet don’t seem out of place.