Manchester Pride’s Community Sessions

Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Photo by Anete Lusina

Pride Community Sessions at The Proud Place, Manchester 25 July 2023 Entrance is free — Visit now

Manchester Pride is well known for being one of the best parties of the summer. With headliners this year including Brazilian drag phenomenon Pablo Vitar and national icon, Natasha Beddingfield, it’s all too easy to be swept up in the good vibes and forget that Pride’s roots lie in serving and supporting communities. In the lead up to the weekend of Manchester Pride, the organisation are hosting monthly Community Sessions at The Proud Place. Each session platforms a different issue faced by LGBTQ+ communities. Experts, professionals working within activism and care and those with lived experience gather together to discuss these issues on both macro and micro levels. It’s a space for people to share knowledge and resources as well as meet others with similar experiences to them in a city which celebrates the diversity of its LGBTQ+ residents.

Pride teams up with local organisations specialising in a particular area to host the space and bring their knowledge and experience to the discussion. This month they are collaborating with House of Rainbow and inviting the Queer Muslims of Manchester to join a discussion on how the community can platform and support LGBTQ+ people of faith. House of Rainbow are an organisation that provide holistic pastoral care for those who are struggling with their identity and faith. They use a model of emotional and spiritual support related to cultures and traditions for Black African Caribbean origins.

Whether you identify as LGBTQ+, a person of any faith, an ally, a community leader or an advocate, these discussions are vital to spread understanding of the experiences of the marginalised communities within the LBGTQ+ community. They provide a space for strategies to be developed, allowing society to gradually move a bit closer to being inclusive and supportive to everyone.

Refreshments are provided at sessions so it’s advised to specify any dietary requirements when registering for a free ticket. Check in with the Manchester Pride website to find out the topics of discussion each month.

Pride Community Sessions at The Proud Place, Manchester 25 July 2023 Entrance is free Visit now

Where to go near Manchester Pride’s Community Sessions

Café or Coffee Shop
Eighth Day

Eighth Day is a co-operative shop that sells ethically-sourced food, wine and cosmetics. There’s also café that serves hearty, healthy meals in the basement.

Johnny Roadhouse store
Johnny Roadhouse

Buffeted by fried chicken outlets, legendary musical instrument emporium Johnny Roadhouse has been serving the local music community for over 50 years.

Catalog Bookshop

Find Peter and his Christiania cargo bike around All Saints Park, a hop, skip and a bunnyhop from Manchester Poetry Library.

Mama Z

Top class Filipino cuisine currently based at pop-up central, Hatch.

Ol Brewery Bar

A nano brewery and keg bar, Ol is a meeting of minds between Takk and Byrne The Cake brewery.

Firebird Hope

They claim to sell the ‘best chicken and vegan chicken sandwich in Manchester’ and they’re absolutely right.

Bar or Pub

Sandbar, just off Oxford Road in Manchester, is a well-loved watering hole, with a great selection of ales and some eccentric seating.

Music venue
The Deaf Institute

The Deaf Institute is a vibrant gig venue and nightclub for which it is well worth taking a jaunt out of the Northern Quarter.

What's on:

Old Dock Tours, Liverpool

The Old Dock tour is a treat for younger and older visitors alike, fans of Liverpool’s maritime past, and anybody curious about local history.

£8.50 with concessions
Creatures of the Night Comedy Club

An insanely committed seven-nights-a-week, Creatures of the Night Comedy Club opens its doors (20.30-22.30 typically, though please check) for evening after evening of side-splitting comedy.

from £5.00

Culture Guides