Off the Cobbles, Invisible Cities tours
Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
After taking a brief hiatus and moving their work online, Invisible Cities Manchester is back in the real world, offering their personal and heartwarming tours to Manchester citizens. As well as tour guide Laura’s Powerful Women of Manchester tour, Danny is back with his Off the Cobbles poetic account of living with homelessness.
Invisible Cities are an international social enterprise that train people who have experienced homelessness to become tour guides of their home cities. Danny is a poet and social activist, who shares his poetry from the published anthology Off The Cobbles, as he takes you through the streets of the Northern Quarter. You’ll visit crossroads, buildings and unsuspecting beauty spots that hold particularly poignant memories from that time in his life.
Danny tackles difficult and complicated issues, in an articulate and graceful manner
His connection to the geography of the city is very personal and comes with an often insightful take on recent civic developments. One of Danny’s strengths as a tour guide is tackling difficult and complicated issues, in an articulate and graceful manner.
Throughout the tour Danny reads his well crafted poetry, artistically combining the places you visit with eye opening anecdotes. It’s definitely a highlight of the tour and something that sets him apart form any other guide.
The relaxed nature of Off the Cobbles allows you to drift out of the everyday and lose yourself in Danny’s version of Manchester, where hope and past suffering coexist with beauty.