International Mother Language Day at Manchester Poetry Library
Sarah-Clare Conlon, Literature EditorManchester Poetry Library will be celebrating words written and spoken in all languages this International Mother Language Day, taking place in UNESCO Cities of Literature around the world on Friday 21 February.
From 6pm to 8pm, Manchester Poetry Library will be hosting its third Multilingual Open Mic Poetry Session, when audience members are invited to share a poem in any language. You can choose to read your own poems or a poem written by someone else, from the well-known to the not so well-known! This year, the evening – which is entirely free – will also welcome a number of special guests to celebrate the various multilingual projects and partnerships that the Poetry Library has been involved with – watch this space for who to expect.
If you fancy a slot on the open mic, register to attend via the link provided and say which language you wish to read in. Places to read will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis. If you’re not sure what to read, the Manchester Poetry Library team is inviting you to just turn up and decide on the night – you might even spot something in the extensive collection, which includes everything from modern European languages to Farsi and Bengali texts – or just stay and listen to all the various voices. Refreshments will be provided and everyone is welcome.