Gothic Manchester Guided Tour

Carmel Smickersgill, Tours & Activities Editor
Photo by Ghost Presenter from Pexels

Gothic Manchester Guided Tour at Manchester Cathedral, Cathedral Quarter 27 October 2018 Tickets from £11.37 — Book now

Starting at Manchester Cathedral, Gothic Manchester aims to expose some of the darker stories from around the city that hide behind grand architectural facades. Learn about John Dee, one of the more divisive figures to live in the city during the 16th Century. He straddled the worlds of mathematics, science, alchemy and magic with equal weighting and was well known for his attempted ‘angel summonings’. As you move through the city, stories of famous gothic novels and how Manchester was fundamental in their creation will be unveiled. Authors such as Dickens and Charlotte Bronte had connections with Manchester and were struck by the contrast of its architectural gothic grandeur and often chilling history. As well as the artistic connections you will explore graves that are hidden in plain sight. Situated in places which we might walk past, or over, on a daily basis.

Leading you on this tour of all things eerie is Anne Beswick. Her passion for digging up the more mysterious history which many over look is evident in her story telling. As someone who has been tour guiding for 10 years, she loves to offer an alternative view on the familiar streets of Manchester’s city centre. Whether that is by drawing your attention to artefacts with macabre tales of how they came to be, or uncovering the more sinister past associated with buildings already familiar to you.

Gothic Manchester is not a ghost walk, it is an informative tour based on the real gothic aspects of the city, be those architectural or social. In a place with such a seemingly glossy surface, Anne aims to show you that there are layers to this urban sprawl and some of them are more sinister than others. The tour starts at 6 pm allowing the night to fall as you venture deeper into Manchester’s darker past.

Gothic Manchester Guided Tour at Manchester Cathedral, Cathedral Quarter 27 October 2018 Tickets from £11.37 Book now

Where to go near Gothic Manchester Guided Tour

Event venue
Festa Italiana

The 2022 Festa Italiana was a roaring success, with great food options and captivating live music performances throughout the weekend.

Cathedral Gardens
Cathedral Quarter
Cathedral Gardens

Cathedral Gardens is a partially lawned public space in Manchester city centre, located between Manchester Cathedral and the National Football Museum.

The Cosy Club

Elegant and welcoming restaurant and bar in the Corn Exchange, with an attractive domed ceiling and plenty of original features like the staircase and tiles.

Music venue
The Stoller Hall

The baby in the family of Manchester’s concert halls, The Stoller Hall greatly enhances the city’s already enviable live music provision.

Proper Tea Cathedral Quarter Mancheste
Cathedral Quarter
Café or Coffee Shop
Proper Tea

Proper Tea sits opposite Manchester Cathedral, serving up artisanal teas (with instructions on how long to leave them brewing), sandwiches, soups and excellent cake.

Kitchen In An Arch

An offshoot from the much-loved Umezushi, this specialist deli is a one-stop-shop for all your sushi making needs, and also hosts occasional workshops to improve your culinary skills.

Cathedral Quarter
Mowgli Street food Manchester

The Manchester branch of Mowgli, set up originally in Liverpool by celebrity YouTuber, cookbook writer and curry evangelist Nisha Katona. Mowgli brings authentic Indian street food to Manchester’s Corn Exchange.

The National Football Museum Manchester
National Football Museum

The National Football Museum is now open to the public, ready to show off its impressive array of football-related exhibits and activities.

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