Cerith Wyn Evans: ….)( at MOSTYN
Maja Lorkowska, Exhibitions EditorMOSTYN is currently hosting a major solo exhibition by Cerith Wyn Evans – the most widely internationally established Welsh artist working today, titled ….)(. Curated by MOSTYN’s Director, Alfredo Cramerotti, the show is site-specific and the largest display of Wyn Evans’ work to date in the UK.
The conceptual artist has filled Mostyn’s rooms with neon and video works, creating a labyrinth of light and movement. The openness of interpretation of the artworks leaves a lot for the viewer to unpack and demands their full attention. Wyn Evans’ work can be described as looking for ways that meaning can be articulated through form, resulting in what are sometimes surprising, innovative combinations of sculpture, video, sound and other media. While conceptually he works with ideas of communication, space and perception, the artist’s key aim is to use the exhibition as a catalyst and opportunity for an experience, so ….)( is best experienced at first hand.