Operation Black Antler at HOME
Andrew AndersonOne of the problems with immersive and promenade theatre pieces is that often they don’t feel very immersive. After all, if you’re part of a large crowd watching just a few performers it’s pretty difficult to suspend your disbelief and imagine that you’re taking part in something real – especially if all you’re doing is just standing about watching.
But that’s not going to be a problem for Operation Black Antler (on at HOME in June), because each show will involve a very small audience who are an integral part of the performance.
It begins when you get a text telling you where to meet (Operation Black Antler will be held in secret locations across Manchester) and on arrival you’re given a new undercover identity (how cool is that?) before being presented with a series of national security scenarios. How far will you push your power and is it okay to spy on your fellow citizens in the name of security? You decide.
The show was co-developed by Blast Theory (whose My Neck of the Woods was on at the Royal Exchange back in 2013), with earlier performances at Ideas Festival and Brighton Festival getting good reviews. Should be a lot of fun to take part in and provide participants with a fresh perspective on one of the most important issues of our time.