A Lovely Time comedy double bills in April
Ian Jones, Food and Drink EditorCrack out the bunting, comedy production powerhouse A Lovely Time are bringing us not one, not two, not three, but four midweek comedy double bills this April. You may have seen all the online scandal about it (top tip: if not, make a brew and load up the Grub twitter feed from earlier this month), but it’s all been happily resolved, and the nearby Runaway Brewery has stepped up and opened their doors without a scruple-free landlord in sight. Hurrah!
On the lineup, you’ll find some of our absolute favourite comedians, such as Chris Cantrill, Jain Edwards and Hannah Platt, not forgetting Adam Riches, Stevie Martin, Dan Tiernan, Tadiwa Mahlunge and Paddy Young.
The prices are low, low, low, for this special run, but if you fancy the kind of bargain you’ll brag to your grandkids about, you can pick up a special ticket that gives you entry to each and every one, for the ridiculously good price of £20. Now that’s what we call Lovely.